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How to harvest and store carrots #vegetable_gardening

When to harvest carrots:

The time of harvest for carrots is about 10 to 16 weeks after sowing. You can also start planting them after the last frost. In order to enjoy fresh carrots and have plenty to harvest, succession plant your carrots seeds about 2 weeks apart.

It's recommended to harvest vegetables while it's cool in the morning time. Process and store your vegetables immediately. Using slightly damp sand in boxes place the carrots in layers in a frost proof shed that is well ventilated. Remove for eating as required.

How to Harvest Carrots:

Use your garden fork and dig into the ground from the side of the carrot's row. Lever the soil up.
Get a good grip, but not a tight one, on the green tops while you pull them up.
Inspect each carrot for holes and blemishes (color changes).

Storing carrots in sand boxes

If you have the space, say in a garage, try the sand box method -

Lift the carrots for storage carefully with a fork and try not to damage or bruise them as damaged roots are subject to soft rot, which attacks through the wounds and causes a slimy decay, spreading out from the centre of the carrot.

Put the damaged carrots aside to eat immediately. Cut off the leaves of the carrot tops as near to the crown as possible without damaging them. Clean any soil off. Using slightly damp sand in boxes place the carrots in layers in a frost proof shed that is well ventilated. Remove for eating as required.

Be sure that the carrots are not stored in very damp conditions as they are likely to get Sclerotinia rot – a fluffy fungus that causes them to become black and hard.

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