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5 Beautiful Climbing Plants for Fences and Walls

Pretty flowers, charming pathways and creative projects here and there, it really requires some work. In this article we discuss which plants are good climbers. All of them are really special and not only they can give an instant boost to your garden, they can also cover old fences or walls. With spring in its bloom, this is the time when the climbers give the best of them – blooming flowers in white, pink, blue and other colors. You may already heard of or even planted some of these, and if not – definitely pick the one that is the most beautiful to you and check out when you can plant it.

1. Japanese Quince

via frustratedgardener.com
The Japanese quince is a great way to add some oriental feeling in your garden. During spring, it blooms and the little red flowers can really make your garden feel as if you were at Japanese garden. Looking after the Japanese Quince is easy for few reasons. They can be planted in most soils, with exception of very wet ones. They need to be planted in sun or in partially shade and if you want to make them bloom faster, just provide irrigation during dry periods. The Japanese Quince is generally a drought tolerant plant.

2. Morning Glory

via floraofqatar.com
You may have already seen few varieties of the Morning Glory somewhere outside, but when it comes to your own garden, you should consider them as your choice! They look so pretty (the picture says everything). These petite flowers need full sun, moist and well – drained soil, Seeds start to germinate in 5 – 21 days and they need to be watered until the root is established. Add organic compost prior to planting, because that will help in retaining moisture, but to keep the plants from wilting during hot days. You may need to use organic pesticides – aphids and leafminers can attack Morning Glory!

3. Rubens

via davisla.wordpress.com
Rubens is a Clematis variety and is also one of the most rapid growing varieties. It produces many flowers, so be prepared to have such a floral garden! For the best result, plant the root in the shade and the stems in the sun. Make sure you plant it in moist and well – drained soil. Garden soils such as sandy, loam, chalk or clay can do the trick. During spring time mulch with organic matter and add a general fertilizer. With good care, the Rubens clematis can grow up to eight meters. It produced flowers in late spring, but it can also produce in late summer as well. No matter which variety of the Clematis you choose, you will definitely have very pretty flowers.

4. Wisteria

via gardenista.com
White, purple, pink or blue, no matter the color, the Wisteria is such a charming plant that has such enchanting scent.  They are native to China, Japan and the eastern USA. If you want to grow Wisteria, know that they require sunny side or at least slight shade. It’s recommended to buy Wisteria from cuttings or by grafting, because the seed raised need longer time to flower. Also, make sure to plant it in well – drained and fertile soil. The Wisteria blooms in spring, but most of the trees begin to grow flowers within 3 – 4 years of planting. Pruning means shortening newly grown flowers in August and then again in February.

5. Hydrangea

via gardenbytes.com
The best time to plant hydrangea is during early spring or in Autumn. If you do it in summer, it will need more water in order to establish the roots. Watering is needed once per week, but if the weather is too hot or dry, it’s better to water twice or so. Because of this, it is really important to plant the hydrangea on a soil with good drainage, but also be careful to not plant in a too wet soil – in that case the roots can rot. Also, plant them in a place where they can be protected from strong winds or hot sun. Hydrangeas can grow for years without the need of pruning, but if you come to that point, you should check out the guidelines for your type of hydrangea.

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